About Us >> Publications

About Us


Rural Health West produces a range of publications that are distributed to stakeholders at a regional, state and national level.

If you would like to receive hard copies of any of the publications listed below, please contact us.

Our Publications

Strategic Plan

The Strategic  Plan outlines our key priorities for the next three years, which will focus on:

  • Advocating for health equity
  • Partnering with Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations
  • Extending our reach and impact
  • Enhancing our core services

To view the Strategic Plan, click here

Rural Health West annual reports

This year’s Annual Report highlights the many innovative solutions Rural Health West is working on to create a high-calibre, sustainable health workforce in rural and remote Western Australia.

Rural Health Matters

A quarterly full-colour magazine, that provides details of various events and programs operated by Rural Health West.

Choose Country

A six-monthly full-colour magazine, that gives you an insight on the challenging, varied and rewarding health careers in rural Western Australia.

Rural Health West reports

Rural Health West conducts research in order to be remain informed of the current issues and trends affecting the attraction and retention of the rural health workforce. The following reports have been compiled by Rural Health West, in collaboration with other stakeholder agencies, to ensure the organisation is able to best support the rural health workforce. Some reports are available in hard copy. Please email Rural Health West if you would like to order a hard copy.

Charting a course to strengthen rural general practice: Report on the WA Rural GP Summit

The WA Rural GP Summit was hosted on 15 March 2024 and brought together local and national health stakeholders, and rural GPs to collaborate and develop a shared roadmap for rural general practice in Western Australia. Charting a course to strengthen rural general practice: Report on the WA Rural GP Summit encapsulates the findings, discussions and action plans generated during the WA Rural GP Summit, offering a clear guide for stakeholders to focus efforts and energies to pave the way for a robust rural general practice workforce in WA.

By presenting a unified voice and a clear roadmap for action, Rural Health West and partner agencies can advocate for the necessary policy changes and funding to improve healthcare access and outcomes for rural communities.

WA Child Ear Health Strategy 

This strategy has been developed to tackle ear disease amongst children, particularly in our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities. It provides a road map for better care through multi-agency service planning, strengthened community focused partnerships, alignment of funding, and better co-ordination.

Rural General Practice in Western Australia – Annual Workforce Update

This report outlines the rural general practitioner workforce in Western Australia as of November 2023.

Annual Health Workforce Update

This report outlines the rural nursing, midwifery, dental and allied health workforce in Western Australia as of 2023.

Finding My Place

This report presents the feedback from rural doctors on what they reported as the factors influencing the attraction and retention of doctors to rural Western Australia.
Check out this short animation, featuring the key factors.

Pilbara Collaborative Health Forum Workshop Report

Rural Health West and WA Primary Health Alliance convened a cross sectoral workshop in November 2016 to determine the appetite for engagement of a wide range of stakeholders from across the Pilbara to establish a collective approach to addressing the health and social needs and priorities in the region.

Rural and Remote Primary Health Care Workforce Planning – What is the Evidence?

An overview of contemporary workforce benchmarks and their use in assisting planning methodologies for Australia’s rural and remote primary health care sector.

Red Tape in General Practice – a Review

A desktop review of the perceived bureaucratic red tape in Australian general practice, identifying recurring instances and reporting if identified issues have been examined or rectified by Government.

Review of rural health scholarships and bursaries in Australia

A summary of the rural health scholarships and bursaries available for health students as researched in 2014.

Critical success factors for recruiting and retaining health professionals to primary health care in rural and remote locations

Review of literature around recruitment and retention of health professionals for rural and remote locations.

Engaging Rural Doctors – Final Report 2007

This is a joint publication with WA Country Health Service.

Reconciliation Action Plan

This Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) follows on from our inaugural Innovate RAP and honours our vision for healthier Aboriginal communities, achieved by working alongside Aboriginal people to ensure quality healthcare is accessible and culturally appropriate. Our RAP provides a culturally sound framework and key measures to advance our shared vision to improve the health and wellbeing of Aboriginal people in Western Australia.

We acknowledge the support of staff from the Aboriginal Health Council of Western Australia in preparing and delivering on our RAP.

To view the RAP, click here.

Cultural Wealth Community Health

This publication is an introduction to cultural awareness for health professionals working with and caring for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders in Western Australia. In the hope of achieving better health outcomes, the resource raises awareness about mutual respect and cultural understanding which underpins all aspects of the development of strong relationships with Indigenous patients and communities. The resource is available online, if you would prefer a hard copy please contact Rural Health West or download an order form.

Rural Workforce Data

Each year, Rural Health West conducts a survey of all general practices and general practitioners currently practicing in rural and remote Western Australia. Typically, the survey has a response rate of around 70% providing contemporary valid data about trends in rural general practice workforce to support workforce policy and planning. This data from this survey is compiled in the Annual Workforce Analysis update, published in April each year.

Please visit the Rural Workforce Data and Information page to view the Report and Fact Sheets.

Rural Health West e-bulletins

The e-bulletins are emailed monthly to a variety of audiences, providing regular updates on education opportunities, program updates and funding implications. We distribute a variety of e-bulletins relevant to their subscribers. If you would like to receive any of these e-bulletins, please contact us (please indicate which e-bulletin you prefer to be subscribed to).

  • GP e-bulletin: aimed at practising rural general practitioners and partner organisations.
  • Locum e-bulletin: aimed at doctors interested in locum opportunities across Western Australia.
  • Outreach e-bulletin: aimed at specialists visiting rural and remote regions of Western Australia.
  • Rural health professionals e-bulletin: aimed at nurses, midwives, dentists and allied health professionals practising, or interested in practising in rural Western Australia, as well as rural clinics and practices.

Digital Health

Rural Health West is committed to enhancing access to high quality primary healthcare for everyone, everywhere across rural and remote Western Australia, aspiring to the achievement of healthy communities.  To achieve this aim, Rural Health West has been conducting research to enhance our understanding of how rural general practice makes use of digital health technologies and the barriers and enablers that affect uptake.  Findings from that research are published below.

Rural GP Digital Health Interviews Report

Digital Health Interviews Presentation