Upcoming Medical Education Conferences and Workshops
21 Feb
21 Feb
Goldfields Health Professionals Network | Suturing and Plastering Workshops | Esperance
Suturing and Plastering workshops
These workshops are hosted by the Goldfields Health Professionals Network and is facilitated by HANDOC the hand injury management experts. We invite health professionals to attend one
or both workshops presented by Dr Dirck Ananos
Rural Emergency Advanced Clinical Training (REACT+) | Perth
The Rural Health West CPD REACT+ workshop is designed to assist Western Australian Visiting Medical Practitioners to maintain their emergency knowledge and skills, and gain formal assessment towards their emergency credentialing, as required by WA Country Health Service. Covering medical emergencies, major trauma and cardiac arrest in adults and children, and associated lifesaving procedural skills training, REACT+ is a highly interactive workshop. Participants are provided with audio-visual pre-learning materials and the course consists almost entirely of small group practical skills stations and simulated scenarios.
South West Health Professionals Network | Welcome to 2025 Sundowner | Busselton
The South West Health Professionals Network invites our Busselton and surrounding area health professionals and their families to our networking sundowner event.
Kimberley Health Professionals Network | Morning Minds Peer-Led Eucation Series | Broome
Morning Minds Peer-Led Education Series - All Things Concussion with Dr Nathan Luies
We are really excited to kick off this NEW peer delivered education series with a presentation on ALL THINGS CONCUSSION, including the latest in diagnosis and treatment protocols.
Kimberley Health Professionals Network | Advanced ENT Clinical Diagnosis | Kununurra
Advanced ENT Clinical Diagnosis - with Dr Hendriks
Presented by Dr Hendriks, an Australian-trained Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgeon with current appointments at Fiona Stanley Hospital and Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital.rotocols.
Kimberley Health Professionals Network | Welcome to 2025 Sundowner | Kununurra
We are SO excited to be able to facilitate this opportunity for our East Kimberley Health Professionals to catch up with colleagues and meet the new health professionals and students to the region.
Great Southern Health Professionals Network | Voluntary Assisted Dying | Albany
This event will help all health professionals to understand Voluntary Assisted Dying (VAD) and how this can apply to your practice and the patients and families you care for. Gain insights into your legal responsibilities, patient communication, the role of multidisciplinary care and the lived experience of VAD in WA.
Understanding Voluntary Assisted Dying | Community Education Event | Albany
Rural Health West and the WA Voluntary Assisted Dying Statewide Care Navigator Service are proud to deliver this free workshop designed to share understanding of what voluntary assisted dying is, the lived experience and processes involved. This session will cover the legal aspects of VAD and what this looks like in practice, allowing opportunity for discussion and information. Whether you’re seeking clarity or just want to be informed, this workshop offers a respectful space for learning and discussion.
Paediatric Emergencies and Clinical Healthcare Scenarios (PEaCHS) | Geraldton
This Rural Health West CPD workshop is a one day workshop in paediatric emergency scenarios and skills. It will give delegates real-life examples and the opportunity to manage sick or injured children in a safe environment.
The workshop content will include:
• Hands-on simulation: practise common scenarios and structured care
• Short presentations by experienced paediatric emergency physicians
• Comprehensive handbook of lecture materials and practical skills
• 'Resuscitation reminders' card for your ID badge clip
Rural Emergency Advanced Clinical Training (REACT+) | Perth
The Rural Health West CPD REACT+ workshop is designed to assist Western Australian Visiting Medical Practitioners to maintain their emergency knowledge and skills, and gain formal assessment towards their emergency credentialing, as required by WA Country Health Service. Covering medical emergencies, major trauma and cardiac arrest in adults and children, and associated lifesaving procedural skills training, REACT+ is a highly interactive workshop. Participants are provided with audio-visual pre-learning materials and the course consists almost entirely of small group practical skills stations and simulated scenarios.