Programs >> Student Programs


Immersion opportunities for aspiring health professionals

Rural practice opportunities

Rural Health West provides medical and allied health students with opportunities to experience rural practice through scholarships, conference sponsorships, vocational placements and student rural health club activities.

By working in rural and remote Western Australia, you will have the opportunity to practise varied and challenging work, develop your professional skills and maintain a healthy work-life balance whilst being part of a close-knit regional community.

Contact the Future Workforce Project Officer to find out how you can start your journey.

Find out the ways we can help you experience rural health

Immersion programs – showcasing the benefits of rural practice

We work with a number of stakeholders to provide rural immersion experiences for medical and health students as part of their university curriculum.

The aim is to showcase the advantages and benefits of rural health careers and to help students develop professional links with potential future employers and communities. The experiences also provide insight into the distances and challenges facing rural patients, should they be required to care for them in their future careers.
These immersion programs include:

  • Wheatbelt Medical Student Immersion Program
  • Kimberley Immersion Program
  • Student Placement Scholarship Program

Student rural health clubs – social and country experiences for students

Rural Health West works alongside WA’s student rural health clubs to provide social and country experiences for students. Each club provides opportunities for students within various health disciplines, who are interested in experiencing rural practice.

Joining a student rural health club can enhance future employment opportunities and is a great way to meet fellow health students and future colleagues.

Student vocational experiences – short-term placements to observe and visit rural practice

The Student Vocational Experience program provides up to two weeks of rural exposure. Students have the opportunity to observe rural practice, visit local health services, network with current health practitioners and increase knowledge and understanding of rural communities and rural health.
Students wishing to participate in a Student Vocational Experience, must be a member of a Western Australian Student Rural Health Club (membership is free).

Conference sponsorships – supporting student knowledge and connection

Rural Health West provides sponsorships for medical, nursing, midwifery, dental and allied health students to attend conferences and professional development related to rural practice.

These sponsorships assist students to gain more insight into rural health careers, develop additional knowledge and skills, and provide an opportunity for them to develop collegiate relationships with future colleagues and employers.

Support for rurally bonded medical students – preparing for rural health work

Rural Health West provides support services for Bonded Medical Program participants to prepare them for rural health work and facilitates placements in rural areas. Bonded Medical Program participants and prospective students can contact Rural Health West for advice and guidance, such as:

  • Information about the Program benefits and obligations
  • Assistance with providing participants options and recruitment support for placement into rural roles that meet their return of service obligation
  • Information about professional development and support to enable participants to be part of a broader rural medical professional network
  • Information about accessing rural medical experiences during undergraduate and early career years
  • Mentoring and networking opportunities for participants
  • Access to existing rural doctors support communication networks
  • Support through student networks, social media, and newsletters; and
  • Assistance with accessing grants.

Further information about the Bonded Medical Program can be found here

Find out more

To find out more about exciting opportunities to experience and learn more about a rural health career, email [email protected].

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