An Australian Resuscitation Council (ARC) accredited course, this two day program aims to teach the theory and practical skills to effectively manage cardio/respiratory arrest, peri-arrest situations and special circumstances, and to prepare senior members of a multidisciplinary team to manage the patient until transfer to a critical care area if possible. The course focuses on achieving advanced resuscitation competencies and is also designed to develop leadership and team skills in managing such emergencies.

Course Content:
• Recognition, assessment and management of the deteriorating patient using a structured ABCDE approach
• Treat cardiac and/or respiratory arrest, including manual defibrillation
• Management of life-threatening arrhythmias
• Preparing and planning post resuscitation care
• Care for the deteriorating patient or patient in cardiac arrest in circumstances such as asthma, anaphylaxis, and pregnancy
• Lead a team, work as a team member, and use structured communication skills including giving an effective handover
• Candidates who successfully complete the program receive an ARC ALS2 Provider certificate, valid for 4 years.

$300 for WACHS employees
$600 for other Health Service employees
$1500 for external candidates

Expressions of Interest:
To register your expression of interest for this course, click here and lodge an online application by COB 21 June 2023. Shortlisting will commence shortly after the closing date, successful applicants will be notified via email with registration and payment details.

For more information, please email [email protected], telephone 0499 943 381 or visit


How to get there

Event Details
13 Sep 2023
14 Sep 2023
Medical Practitioner
Emergency Medicine
External provider / Workshop

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