Service delivery programs
Eye and Ear Surgical Support (EESS)
EESS aims to increase access to surgical interventions for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander patients with diagnosed eye and ear conditions, who have been placed on a waiting list for surgery.
EESS Fact Sheet
Outreach Programs Service Delivery Standards (2024)
Healthy Ears – Better Hearing, Better Listening (HEBHBL)
HEBHBL aims to improve the diagnosis, treatment and management of complex ear conditions that arise in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and youth (aged 0-21 years) by increasing access to multidisciplinary ear health teams.
HEBHBL Fact Sheet
Outreach Programs Service Delivery Standards (2024)
Medical Outreach Indigenous Chronic Disease Program (MOICDP)
MOICDP aims to support the provision of primary health care multidisciplinary teams to prevent, detect and manage chronic diseases in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island peoples who live in urban, rural, regional and remote communities. Chronic disease is defined as ‘a condition that has been (or is likely to be) present for six months or more’.
MOICDP Fact Sheet
Outreach Programs Service Delivery Standards (2024)
Rural Health Outreach Fund (RHOF)
RHOF supports outreach activities, which address health issues identified in regional, rural and remote locations. This fund places a specific emphasis on the following health priorities; maternity and paediatric health, eye health, mental health, pain management and support for chronic disease management.
RHOF Fact Sheet
RHOF Service Delivery Standards
Visiting Optometrists Scheme (VOS)
VOS aims to improve the eye health of people in regional, rural and remote locations by improving coordination and integration of new and existing eye health services and increasing access to optometry services.
VOS Fact Sheet
Outreach Programs Service Delivery Standards (2024)
WA Aboriginal Eye Health Forum 2024
Coordination programs
Ear Health Coordination Program
Rural Health West, in partnership with the Aboriginal Health Council of WA (AHCWA), provides the Ear Health Coordination Program in WA. This program works collaboratively with primary health care clinics and other stakeholders to identify and support activity needed to improve Aboriginal ear health.
Coordination of Indigenous Eye Health (CIEH)
Rural Health West works in partnership with Lions Outback Vision (LOV) to deliver the Coordination of Indigenous Eye Health (CIEH) program. CIEH aims to improve access to eye care for Indigenous patients through improved coordination of service, including improved linkages between the range of services required by patients and enhanced delivery of those services.