Programs >> Rural Health Partnership Initiative


Rural Health Partnership Initiative

Well supported health professionals delivering quality healthcare

The purpose of the Rural Health Partnership Initiative (RHPI) is to plan and deliver strategies to maintain sufficient appropriately skilled and experienced health professionals in all seven WA Country Health Service (WACHS) regions – Kimberley, Pilbara, Goldfields, Midwest, Wheatbelt, South West and Great Southern.

The aim of the program is to provide support, education and training to attract workforce and reduce the high turnover of health professionals in rural Western Australia (WA) while ensuring equitable and proportional allocation of services within regional health service catchment areas.

What is being delivered under the Initiative?

Professional developments programs
In partnership with the WA Country Health Service, Rural Health West offers a range of professional development opportunities throughout Western Australia, providing health professionals with the ability to up-skill closer to home. Through events such as regional workshops and conferences, we can ensure rural health professionals are given the best tools and training to provide quality healthcare to their communities.

Advanced Skills Support Program
The Advanced Skills Support Program assists in supporting those with advanced skills in Obstetrics, Anaesthetics and Emergency Medicine to enable them to commence or continue to practise independently in a rural location.