For those who like a bit of pindan on their soles and in their soul, the Northern Australia Regional Paediatric Meeting will be held in Broome, Western Australia on 17 – 18 October 2024, overlooking the mangroves and azure water of Rubibi Roebuck Bay.
The aim of NARPM has been salt of the earth DIY Paediatric education and workshops, building a community of practice among paediatricians across Northern Australia.
This year, in building connections, we welcome any Paediatricians, GPs, Aboriginal health workers, nursing and allied health colleagues, junior doctors and students with an interest in Paediatrics in remote Northern Australia. We especially welcome our Paediatric colleagues from across tropical Northern Australia, to share in this biennial meeting, fostering our community of practice across Northern Australia.
For more information and to secure your position, visit our website now!