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At the end of the first year of the Master of Dietetics at Curtin University, student dietitians complete a two-week Interprofessional Placement (IPP). Rural Health West supports student placements in rural locations through the Allied Health Rural Clinical Placement Support Program.

Curtin University student dietitian Katarina Zupanc said she felt fortunate to be allocated a placement at WACHS Kalgoorlie Health Campus.

“Working regionally has always been something I was intrigued to try,” said Katarina.

“The placement at Kalgoorlie Health Campus (KHC) was unforgettable. The KHC dietetics team, other allied health professionals, and the rest of the medical and non-medical staff were welcoming and incredibly supportive throughout. It was incredible to be part of such an inspiring and passionate team. I have learned so much and gained detailed insight into the work of regional clinical dietitians.

“While working in small towns can sometimes be challenging, e.g. being limited in oral nutritional supplements, it is a fantastic opportunity for quicker professional development. Working in different areas of your profession and being exposed to factors that patients in metro areas rarely face enhance your knowledge and learning. Additionally, it prompts your thoughts to deliver the best interventions for the patients.

“IPP emphasises the importance of collaborative practice within the dietetics team and other areas. Working regionally can be presented as lonely; therefore, many students are unwilling to try.

“However, the KHC team shows that this is not the case. A placement at KHC allowed me to learn and get insight into what other health professionals do, which is important to be aware of when working in a medical setting. Additionally, there were many exciting things to do and discover in and outside the workplace.

“I highly recommend taking a regional placement to anyone contemplating it. It is an excellent opportunity for professional and personal growth that no one should miss.”

How it works

The Allied Health Rural Clinical Placement Support Program provides financial support to allied health students completing a rural clinical placement in rural Western Australia.

Rural Health West can award up to $800 to eligible students depending on placement location, type of placement and availability of funding.

To be eligible, you must be on a placement for two weeks or longer. We also encourage you to be a member of a student rural health club.

Applications for Semester One placements are now open and will close on 21 April 2023.

For more information visit: or contact: [email protected]

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